Women: Have You Noticed that Steamy Nights Equal Painful Mornings? The Facts About UTIs

It’s not uncommon for many women to experience the pitfalls of a urinary tract infection – commonly abbreviated to UTI – after the act of intercourse. If you’ve noticed that you fall into this category, and want to learn more about the symptoms and treatments of a UTI, keep reading to get answers to the most commonly asked questions.

The Basics First: What is a UTI?

In general, a UTI applies to any infection that occurs in the urinary system, although most infections involve the bladder and the urethra. However, in some cases the infection may also involve the but some can also involve the ureters and the kidneys.

What Causes Urinary Tract Infections… and How Common Are They?

These infections are almost universally caused when bacteria that are normally present on the skin or in upper GI tract find their way into the urinary system.

Why Do Women Get UTIs More Often Than Men?

It boils down to anatomy. Because women have a much shorter urethra than men – combined with the fact that the urethra itself is closer to a woman’s rectal opening which means increased susceptibility for an introduction of bacteria—UTIs are far more prevalent in women than men.

What Are the Symptoms?

Although every patient will be different, the symptoms for a UTI include the following:

  • Pain or a burning when you urinate
  • The urge to urinate more frequently, though you may produce very little urine each time
  • Foul-smelling, cloudy, or bloody urine
  • Pain in your lower abdomen, just above your bladder

If you’re wondering, “What should I do if I think I have a urinary tract infection?,” the answer is simple: you should seek immediate medical help to prevent the infection from spreading into a more dangerous condition.

What Tests Will I Need if I Come In to Alamo City Urgent Care?

The good news is that most UTIs can be easily diagnosed with a quick urine test.

How Do You Treat a Uti?

The typical approach for urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment involves a 3-5-day course of antibiotics, although this may be adjusted based on the results from your urine test.

What About Pyridium?

Pyridium is a pain reliever that may be prescribed alongside antibiotics for urgent care treatment to help alleviate discomfort. However, it’s crucial to complete the full course of antibiotics to ensure the infection is fully cleared. You must take your antibiotics for the full course of treatment to prevent the infection from getting worse

I Seem to Get Frequent UTIs — What Can I Do to Prevent Them?

Some tips include staying well hydrated, urinating before and after sexual intercourse, and making sure that you wipe from front to back after bowel movements. Some people wonder whether or not cranberry juice or tablets will help their UTI. The answer is that although these two can help prevent UTIs, there is no evidence that they will treat the actual infection.

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