It is an inflammation of the sinuses, the air-filled space between the head and bridge of the nose. It must persist for longer than three months to be considered a chronic infection. Otherwise, it is acute sinusitis. Many patients get multiple episodes of acute sinusitis before developing chronic sinusitis.
Chronic sinus infection generally affects the formation of mucus in your nasal cavity so that instead of draining normally, your nose feels stuffy. Unlike other respiratory conditions that affect the nasal cavity, sinuses affect the entire head area, which is why you need urgent care near you. It means that some of the symptoms you are likely to experience are:
- Headaches
- Pain and swelling around your eyes
- Stuffy nose
- Difficulty draining mucus – the mucus will be thick and discolored, similar to a discharge.
- Decreased sense of smell
- Difficulty breathing properly
- Pain, tenderness, and possible swelling on your cheeks and forehead
- Ear pain
- Sore throat
- Dental pain – aching jawbone and pain in your teeth
What Causes Chronic Sinusitis?
When you seek chronic sinusitis treatment in San Antonio, one of the primary focus areas for doctors is the underlying cause of your infection. When a doctor can determine the trigger for your sinuses, they will offer appropriate treatment to overcome your problem. Some causes of sinusitis are:
- Deviated nasal septum – happens when you incur an injury on your nose that impacts the alignment of your nasal cavity. It can also occur after facial plastic surgery goes wrong. When your nose is crooked, the wall between the nostrils can be the blockage that prevents mucus passage.
- Nasal polyps – are growths inside the nasal cavity that may obstruct the sinuses and prevent the natural passage of mucus.
- Respiratory tract infections like the common cold and the flu – the viral or bacterial infections cause the thickening or inflammation of the sinuses membrane, impacting the nasal passage. Other chronic health problems like asthma can also worsen your sinusitis.
- Allergies – patients with allergies are likely to have chronic sinuses. The sinuses membranes also thicken when you have an allergic reaction. Frequently exposing yourself to allergens like pollen, dust, and smoke will only worsen your sinusitis symptoms.
- A dental infection – an oral problem like a dental cavity can flare up your sinuses because the mouth connects to your nasal cavity.
Risks Associated with Chronis Sinusitis
Among the reasons you need urgent care for sinus infections is the risk of complications. Although sinusitis rarely presents severe complications to your health, it is still possible to have the following:
- Severe skin infection in your upper body – mainly your face
- Meningitis – is inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain area and the fluids surrounding them.
- Vision problems – the most complicated cases involve permanent blindness when the infection spreads from the nasal cavity to the eye socket.
Tips for Preventing Chronic Sinus Infections
The good thing is that you do not have to end up in an ER for urgent care in Marbach for a sinus infection. With a few proactive tips, you can avoid getting sick. Some of the tips are:
- Avoid upper respiratory infections – take all the necessary precautions to prevent catching a cold or having the flu. Wash your hand regularly while staying away from infected persons.
- Take care of your dental health – as soon as you notice an oral infection, seek treatment to avoid further health problems.
- Avoid allergens – you may need the heal of a doctor to identify your allergic triggers so you can stay away from them.
- Use antihistamines – to manage your allergic reactions.
- Use a humidifier – it will increase moisture content in the air to aid breathability.
- Watch your living environment – rooms filled with mold or areas surrounded by smoke will only aggravate your sinuses. If anything, you should quit smoking and avoid being around smokers. Thoroughly cleaning your home will also help you rid it of any mold and dust that may trigger allergies and worsen your sinuses.