Get Ready for Christmas by Stocking Up Your Medicine Cabinet

Did you know minor injuries, illnesses, and infections, especially the cold and flu are very common during the Christmas break? Well, almost everyone gets infections or ill at some point, but this year, it doesn’t have to be you.

The best way to keep the infections at bay is by stocking up your medicine cabinets with general as well as prescription medications.

Recommended Christmas Medications

Our doctors recommend a variety of essential medications that can help make your holidays fun and free of infections.

  • Cold and Flu symptoms

The cold and flu season is here as is expected to last through January. Despite CDC recommendation for flu shots, most people are still at risk of getting the cold or flu, but you don’t have to be one of them.

Apart from getting a flu shot, you need to buy the cold medications to prevent further complications if and when you get the infection. Over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or cough suppressants can lessen the symptoms, but they may not necessarily treat the underlying viral infection.

These cold medications are somewhat effective but may have side effects that can pose a health risk for patients with conditions like allergies, heart diseases, and high blood pressure. So, before taking them, be sure to talk to our doctor if you have any pre-existing conditions.

You can also relieve cold with home remedies such as;

  • Using saltwater to ease a sore throat
  • Staying hydrated with water and honey to loosen congestion
  • Saline nasal drops and sprays relieve congestion and sprays
  • Rest for your body to recuperate
  • Antidiarrheal

These are medications slow or stop diarrhea by either reducing water or bulking the stool thereby increasing its volume. You can get store-bought diarrhea medicines such as loperamide.

Besides taking the medications, you also need to rehydrate. Diarrhea clears up in three or four days with proper rehydration or by taking Oral Rehydration Salts. ORS is a combination of dry salt mixed with water. Although they don’t slow diarrhea, ORS replaces excessive fluid loss.

Other diarrhea medications include antispasmodic and anti-motility agents. Antibacterial medications can occasionally be used to relieve diarrhea, but these should only be taken as instructed by the doctor.

  • Indigestion medications

Dyspepsia is very common during Thanksgiving and Christmas due to overeating and consuming fatty and spicy foods. Indigestion can also be a condition of GERD and other gastrointestinal problems.

The treatment of indigestion depends on the cause, but some over-the-counter medications such as antacids and acid blockers can help relieve heartburn, constipation and other indigestion symptoms.

You can also prevent indigestion by not overeating, avoiding spicy and greasy foods, and drinking fluids after meals.

  • First aid kits

A well-stocked first-aid kit is essential for every home especially if you have children and seniors. You can buy your first aid kit from your local pharmacy or Red Cross office.

The first aid kit should include;

  • A thermometer
  • Adhesive tape and bandage
  • A splint
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Elastic bandage
  • Mouthpiece
  • Plastic non-latex gloves
  • Disposable instant cold packs
  • Sharp scissors, tweezers, and safety pins
  • A blanket
  • Pain killers

Pain relievers work great in reducing pain and inflammation. Common pain killers to have include aspirin for sore throat, ibuprofen for joint and muscle inflammation, and paracetamol for fever.

  • Antihistamines

Antihistamines are used to treat allergies and insect bites symptoms such as swelling and itchiness. The antihistamines are available in tablets, liquids, capsules, sprays, and eye drops. However, these drugs can have side effects like drowsiness, dizziness, and dry mouth.

Be Prepared

These medications can help prevent any discomfort during the Christmas holiday. However, if you are taking any prescription medications, first discuss with your doctor on whether you should take any of the above-mentioned medications.

Always ensure that the medications in your cabinet are ready to use, if they have passed the use-by-date, return them to your pharmacy. Also, be sure to get your prescription medication on time as the hospital operating time is different during the holidays.