What You Need to Know About Bloodshot or Red eyes


Sometimes you may notice red eyes after contacting an irritant. This is a minor irritation that can clear after a while. However, you may have bloodshot eyes that may reveal a more serious condition. Some of the cases are benign, while others are a sign of a severe infection, requiring you to get urgent care near you.

Mild eye redness may not be a cause of concern, especially if it is caused by eye irritation.

However, if you experience redness of the eyes accompanied by pain and vision changes, seek urgent care immediately to prevent complications.

What are the Eye Redness Causes?

Several factors can cause the eyes to become red, and they include:

  • Allergies

Allergy triggers like pollen, mold, dust mites, smoke, and air pollution can lead to burning, itching, and increased tearing. Eye allergies often occur with other symptoms like itchy and running nose, and sneezing.

If you have a severe eye allergic reaction, it is crucial to visit the doctor immediately for treatment. But, prevention is often the best cure, so avoid exposure to an allergen where possible.

  • Conjunctivitis

Pink eye is an infection that occurs when the conjunctiva becomes inflamed. The infection irritates the blood vessels causing them to swell, and this causes the whites of the eyes to appear pink or red. Viruses are the primary causes of conjunctivitis, but bacteria, fungi, or allergens can also be a cause.

The eye infection is contagious and spreads to the contact with contaminated fingers, and it affects both eyes. The conjunctiva symptoms include itchy eyes, excess tear production, sensitivity to the light, poor vision, discharge, and a gritty feeling in the eyes. It is advisable to visit an immediate care center in San Antonio for proper treatment.

  • Dry eyes

Tears lubricate and cleanse the eyes. When you do not produce enough tears, it can lead to dry eyes and irritation. Hormone imbalance, certain medical conditions, and medication can lead to low production of tears. Dry eyes can cause a stinging, burning sensation, sensitivity to the light, or blurred vision.

  • Eyelid inflammation

Clogged oil glands in the eyelids can lead to swelling and inflammation. The inflammation leads to itching, increased tearing, crusty eyelids in the morning, burning or stinging feelings.

  • Uveitis

Uveitis is inflammation or swelling that happens in the middle part of the eye. Uvea infection can lead to severe redness of the eyes, pain, light sensitivity, or dark floating spots in the vision. Uveitis is not a serious condition, but it can lead to other problems if not treated on time.

  • Subconjunctival hemorrhage

This occurs when the blood vessels in the eyes rupture and leak in the eye surface. The condition can be benign and clear within a week or two. But, if you experience decreased vision, go to walk-in urgent care in 78227 for immediate treatment.

How can the Symptoms of Eye Redness Be Treated in Urgent Care, San Antonio, TX?

Mild eye redness can be treated at home with remedies, like a cold compress that reduces swelling and pain, allergy medications, artificial tears, hygiene, avoiding irritants, and limiting screen time.

If you have red eyes accompanied by other symptoms, our doctor may prescribe medications depending on the diagnosis.

Some treatments that can be used include; steroid eye drops, antimicrobial medications, prescription eye drops, or laser procedures.

What are the Complications of Eye Redness?

Most red-eye causes do not lead to complications if treatment is started on time. But, poor or incorrect treatment can lead to vision impairments or permanent damage to the eye.

When Should You Contact a Doctor in Urgent Care?

If the red-eye occurs with other symptoms, you may want to get an emergency visit. These symptoms include:

  • Symptoms lasting for more than a week
  • Changes in vision
  • Eye pain
  • Light sensitivity
  • Discharge from one or both eyes

Seek urgent care if you experience red eyes after a trauma or injury, have a headache and blurry vision, nausea, and vomiting, or see white rings around lights.

How Can You Prevent Red Eyes?

Proper hygiene practices and avoiding irritants is the primary ways of preventing eye redness. In addition to that, try to avoid wearing eye contact longer than recommended or overnight, clean the contacts regularly, and avoid straining your eyes.

Take Action

If you have eye redness and other symptoms like blurry vision and headaches, visit Alamo City Urgent Care for assistance.