The 5 Things That Matter Most from Your Physical

Every person has gotten an annual physical at some point in their lives. Alamo City Urgent Care provides them throughout the year, helping patients receive relief from health issues after diagnosing the problem accurately.

The Physical Does Matter — Just Not the Way You Think

Your annual exam is important, but it may not be important for the reasons you think it is. Your doctor will want to look at your health and work with you to create customized and personalized care for patients. Let’s take a look at physicals and get a bit more information.

Most of The Physical Isn’t Actually Physical

The most important part of a physical is not the physical part of it. Your doctor will take your blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, blood sugar, and height. Your doctor performs these activities to see if you are at a higher risk for any conditions or diseases. Your doctor may be able to recommend treatment or keep an eye out for developing conditions.

No, You Don’t Need All Those Blood Tests

Testing isn’t always necessary at a physical. Most testing done is not 100 percent accurate, meaning that you could get a false reading and become worried about health issues that are not an issue for you. Understand that not every doctor needs to collect blood for testing.

What Matters Most Is What’s Important for Your Health

There are guidelines about what areas to look at during physicals, but your provider will tailor physicals to you. Your health is the most important thing, so physicals are performed what that in mind and allow you to feel comfortable and build trust at Alamo City Urgent Care.

Cover Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll

Many people believe that they need to talk about what to eat or drink but get shy when mentioning the bedroom. Being honest with your doctor can be a huge help in keeping you healthy, especially topics involving bodily fluids.

Cancer Screening, Cardiovascular Risk Assessment, and Immunizations Are Musts

Your physical may or may not include screenings for cancer, immunizations, or risk assessments for cardiovascular disease. However, you should speak with your doctor to make sure that these are being performed regularly to keep you in good health.

Urgent Care Services

We treat a wide range of urgent health conditions at our urgent care clinic in San Antonio, including:

Alongside our urgent care services, we provide complete care for: